A collection of TT error messages - if you get any not here, please ping me in HEX modhelp and I’ll try figure it out + add to the list.

Table of contents:

Error reading the MDL File / Error Updating Viewport



If you have no warning in the model importer: The mesh has no weights.


However, if you get an orange warning that there’s no valid skin element, then you have no armature


To fix this, make sure the armature modifier on your mesh has an armature in the “object” section.


Vertices had major corrections made to their weight data

This is generally fine, it means that your weights are not evenly balanced with j_kao. Textools honestly does a decent job at normalizing so you can ignore it for the most part.


Alternatively you can normalize your weights using something like “normalize all” but Blender does a pretty terrible job at it.


Error Reading Mod Data - File Offset Invalid